没骨水彩画 Boneless watercolor
This watercolor style is inspird from the chines tranditional flower painting style which calld: boneless watercolor, rooted from Song Dynasty, strived at Qing Dynasty. The feature of this drawing method is color the flower without drawing any outline , just use brush diectrly process , emphasis on the way of useing the brush flexibly. We use this method in our way of drawing watercolor. learn from the classic traditional skill.
1 毛笔一套(排刷, 大中小号白云毛笔,一支狼豪勾线笔) Brush set (row brush, small and medium size chinese paintting brush, a line drawing brush)
2 水彩纸(细纹或者至少中粗,禁止粗纹,必须全棉浆) Watercolor paper (fine grain or at least medium coarse grain, no coarse grain, must be all cotton pulp)
3 颜彩或者水彩,白色国画颜料最好单独准备几支 Chinese mineral solid pigment or normal watercolor, better prepare additional one piece of white chinese painting pigment.
4 洗笔筒 a bowl for cleaning brush
6 陶瓷调色盘 Ceramic palette
7 洗水布或者纸巾 A towel for drying your brush
8 水彩纸胶带 Special tape for sticking watercolor paper
9 彩色铅笔或者自动铅笔 Colored pencils or mechanical pencils
Note:In order to provide plesent class expeirence with our individual guidance, we limit the number of students with maximum of 6 students.

Day 1 Getting Started
Morning session:
Introduction of Chinese aesthetic watercolor paintting style
The expression and artistic conception come from the reference of traditional Chinese painting, feeling the similarities and difference between it and western traditional watercolour painting in the skill and way of expression.
2. 画材的介绍与使用注意 Introduction of equipment.
3. 入门色彩讲解,绘制色相环 Introduction of knowledge of color and colormatching regulation.
4. 讲解水彩的晕染和叠加上色两种基本技法 Introduce the two basic color skill in watercolor: smudging and overlaying.
Afternoon Session:
1.绘制自己的色相环,熟悉你的颜料以及色彩的调和 Paint your own color circle, get familiar with your pigments and color blending.
Draw a nice bamboo leaf pattern card with the two basic methods of smudging
and overlaying color.

Day 2 虞美人 Poppy
Morning Session:
1写生练习的基本入门 Basic introduction of observation sketching exercises.
2 线稿示范+练习 line sketch demonstration + practice.
3单枝虞美人没骨示范 The method of colouring a branch of Poppy without line sketch.
Afternoon Session:
完成作品+指导 Drawing your artwork+ guidance.
Day 3 叶与枝干的单独练习 Leaves and branches
Morning Session:
1 线稿写生不同的叶子和枝干 Observation sketching drawing of different leaves and branches.
2 没骨示范 Drawing leaves and branches without outline.
Afternoon Session:
完成作品+指导 Drawing your artwork+ guidance.
Day 4 桃金娘 Myrtle
Morning Session:
1 线稿写生 Observation sketching drawing of Myrtle flowers.
2 没骨绘制示范 The method of drawing myrtle flower without outline.
Afternoon Session:
完成作品+指导 Drawing your artwork+ guidance.

Day 5 三角梅 Bougainvillea
Morning Session:
1 线稿绘制 Observation sketching drawing of Bougainvillea.
2 完整作品示范 The method of drawing Bougainvillea without outline.
Afternoon Session:
完成作品+指导 Drawing your artwork+ guidance.
Day 6 画团扇 Draw a Chinese traditional art fan
Morning Session:
1 团扇构图讲解 Composition intorduction.
2 线稿绘制 Line draft drawing.
3 上色示范 Color demonstration.
Afternoon Session:
完成作品+指导 Drawing your artwork+ guidance.